River Valley Primary Care Services values the health and well-being of the children in Arkansas. Our goal as your child’s physician is not only to diagnose and treat medical problems, but work with the family to ensure the best outcomes for a healthy life. Because your child’s health is our number one concern, we offer preventative screenings, examinations, and treatments at reduced fees, based on your family’s income. Think of us as your Health Care Home, where your children can receive the dental, medical, and behavioral health services that they need. River Valley Primary Care Services provides quality affordable pediatric care to our community.
Wellness and Illness Visits
River Valley Primary Care Services offers screenings and physicals to ensure that your child is healthy and affordable appointments when your child is ill. We can handle everything from ear aches, sore throats, and coughs, to stomach problems, fevers, and the flu. Your child will be examined and treated with care, regardless of your ability to pay.
Please note: RVPCS currently refers to the Arkansas Department of Health for childhood immunizations.
Preventative Medicine
River Valley Primary Care Services values the overall health of your child. That’s why we provide medical, dental, and mental health preventative screenings to help identify small problems before they become big. We will teach you and your child about everything from healthy eating, exercise, weight management, dental health, and positive coping skills to vaccines, the dangers of drugs, alcohol, and cigarettes, and more! If a concern is identified, we have resources that can help, all at prices that you can afford. At River Valley Primary Care
Services, we are your Health Care Home.
Flu Shots
Flu shots can help reduce your child’s chances of getting the flu. Flu shots do not cause the flu. Flu shots will help your child’s body build up resistance to protect him or her from the flu. Flu shots are approved for children that are older than 6 months of age. Flu shots are especially important for children with a high-risk for complications from the flu, such as those with certain health conditions. Ask your doctor if flu shots are right for your child. River Valley Primary Care Services has discounted fees to make flu shots affordable for all.
General/Annual Physicals
Annual physical exams for your child are important to help ensure that your child’s health is at its best. This is a good time to review a child’s developmental milestones and discuss any of your concerns. River Valley Primary Care Services offers discounted fees for pediatric general physicals. We do so as part of our commitment to provide the best health care to all children in Arkansas. Schedule your child’s appointment by calling our Ratcliff Clinic at (479) 431-2050 or (800) 877-7658; or RVPCS - Northside Clinic in Fort Smith, AR at (479) 785-5700; or Mulberry Family Clinic at (479) 997-1484; or Mountainburg Family Clinic at (479) 369-2091; Eastside Family Clinic at (479) 434-4747; or Lamar Wellness Center (479) 668-4881; Waldron Family Clinic (479) 668-4700.
Physicals (School & Sports)
River Valley Primary Care Services provides affordable school and sports physicals for all children, regardless of your ability to pay. Our caring doctor will examine your child and provide the necessary documentation for your child’s school records or medical clearance to play sports. Schedule your child’s appointment by calling our Ratcliff Clinic at (479) 431-2050 or (800) 877-7658; or RVPCS - Northside Clinic in Fort Smith, AR at (479) 785-5700; or Mulberry Family Clinic at (479) 997-1484; or Mountainburg Family Clinic at (479) 369-2091; Eastside Family Clinic at (479) 434-4747; or Lamar Wellness Center (479) 668-4881; Waldron Family Clinic (479) 668-4700.
Lead Testing
River Valley Primary Care Services offers testing for lead in children. Lead testing is very important because children with high lead levels in their blood can develop significant health complications. Lead testing is recommended for children that may have been exposed to lead in their environment, such as in the home or soil. Lead testing involves a fast and simple skin prick to collect a small blood sample for testing. If your child tests positive for lead, our doctor’s will refer you to experts who can provide recommendations and treatments to help your child. River Valley Primary Care Services offers discounted fees for child lead testing. Has your child been tested for lead? Schedule your child’s lead test by calling our Ratcliff Clinic at (479) 431-2050 or (800) 877-7658; or RVPCS - Northside Clinic in Fort Smith, AR at (479) 785-5700; or Mulberry Family Clinic at (479) 997-1484; or Mountainburg Family Clinic at (479) 369-2091; Eastside Family Clinic at (479) 434-4747; or Lamar Wellness Center (479) 668-4881; Waldron Family Clinic (479) 668-4700.
Early and Periodic Screening, Diagnostic, and Treatment (EPSDT)
Early and Periodic Screening, Diagnostic, and Treatment (EPSDT) are Medicaid’s periodic screening, vision, dental, and hearing services for individuals under the age of 21. Even mothers and fathers who are younger than 21 can receive services. Let your DHS caseworker know that you want child health services from EPSDT. Your DHS caseworker will even help you get a ride to the doctor if you need one.